Once all comparisons and research have been completed, the next step is to BUY. It’s the step that only buyers can do, and it’s your job to help them achieve it quickly, efficiently and confidently. This is where you can shorten sales cycles with Demo Automation so let’s learn how to do it best.

In this stage, Buyers are ready to buy but often request Proof of Concepts (POCs), and check references.
Great personal loss. That's what we're battling here. Even if other things hide it, people don't move projects on primarily because if they've invested time, effort, and money into this change project, and if it goes wrong - they'll get the blame. We can learn from failure, but it's still not as good as success.
Overcoming this fear of making the wrong vendor selection, change agent, or project delivery can make or break a deal. The 'Do nothing' act can seem so appealing that it's one of the biggest competitors to purchase. Helping buyers and their multitude of stakeholders through this painful time is essential, and if you've built trust with your champion, they'll know you have their change success in mind, not just a software sale.
Closing demos can help here. They don't open up the world of possibility like Vision, Micro, or Qualifying demos do. They echo the message carefully waved through the previous demos and meetings. They reassure and provide confidence. Using pre-recorded customer references here works wonders because the buyer can see you've helped others. "Why not us?"

In this stage, buyers negotiate terms and conditions.
If buying were a sport, the coach (you) could give players (buyers) advice from the sidelines, but you couldn’t play for them. They’re on the field. You are not.
Strongly Recommend
Instead of waiting for the customer to tell you what they think, recommend the steps and actions they should follow, but justify your recommendations. Use phrases like these to make recommendations related to the buying process more engaging:
- “In my experience working with other companies trying to solve this challenge, I have found... I strongly recommend…”
- "If you don’t mind, would it be all right with you if I offer some advice about what I see as the most effective process?"
Ask for commitments
Define what comes next by asking for specific commitments in a way that secures clear accountability. Document expectations and timelines and follow up often enough to help course correct or encourage as needed. Asking for commitment is the moment of truth. They’ll either say yes, and you can move forward, or they’ll say no, and you now have to discover critical things about the deal you didn’t know before. Strong but deferential phrases like these are more likely to prompt action with commitments:
- “Would you be willing to…”
- “This is something best done by you as the internal advocate. Could you…”
Facilitate and be a resource
Show them what fulfilling those commitments looks like and how they impact the process. Bring in different experts and resources if needed, but anticipate their needs before they ask. You have to be proactive to facilitate champions adequately. Anticipate needs using deal histories with similar customers.
- Provide job aids and toolkits such as GDPR docs and financial ROI spreadsheets.
- Implementation of project guides and templates
- Be a resource and an advocate for your champion, just as they’re an advocate for you.
Continuation vs Advance
According to the book Spin Selling by Neil Rackham, there are only four outcomes of a Sales call:
- Advance: An advance is an action the buyer commits to that brings you closer to a purchase. The operative word is action. It’s tempting to interpret your prospect’s request for more information or a proposal as a buying signal, but that puts the ball entirely in your court. If the buyer is interested, they’ll also agree to do some work. The definition of a good "champion" is someone willing to make and keep commitments. It is your job as the seller to Recommend appropriate actions, commit the buyer to take those actions and facilitate them in completing the actions so that you can advance the sale.
- Continuation: A continuation happens when you finish the call or meeting and the buyer hasn’t agreed to any next steps to advance the deal. The buyer agreeing to another meeting will certainly continue the conversation, but meeting with prospects alone isn't enough to move a sale forward. "Follow-up" meetings or "check-in" calls don't serve you or the buyer. While rapport and relationship building are important parts of a sales engagement, becoming friends with the buyer isn't enough justification to move an order forward.
- Order: The prospect becomes a client by signing a subscription agreement.
- No-Sale: The prospect decides not to buy. The deal is moved to closed-lost.
Click through the rest of this series to learn more!