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How to edit a ReachSuite Tour


To get into the edit mode of ReachSuite you can either be brought their automatically after creating an experience or by clicking the “...” on a tour you want to edit from the dashboard and then selecting “Edit Widgets

ReachSuite Edit Widgets

From there ReachSuite will open a new tab and launch you into our editor. The editor allows you to enrich your tour by editing the speed of steps, how the viewer will interact with each hot spot, adding in text, and changing what the hot spots look like and cover


Before we cover the three main categories of edits, let’s cover the timeline bar first

The ReachSuite timeline bars

The timeline bar has a flip icon that allows you to move the timeline bar to the top or bottom of the screen

The bar then has a series of ticks. These ticks represent interactive moments in the tour which equates to every click you made during the recording process

Then there is an edit button. This button will allow you to begin editing how you want each tick, interaction, or click to be experienced by the viewer. When you are launched into edit mode it starts off in “playback”mode which allows you to click through every hot spot in the recording to play out each interaction


You can also enter playback mode be removing /edit/ from the URL:

ReachSuite Playback mode in URL

This will launch you into a playback mode without the timeline bar and give you the exact experience the viewer will have. You can get back into edit mode by adding back /edit/ to the end of the URL

Now once you click edit the timeline bar will give you access to our edit options and a playback button to toggle back into playback mode to quickly see what the interaction will look like after you have made changes in the edit mode

ReachSuite Edit mode

The additional edit bar gives you access to:


The carrots allow you to toggle from one interaction to the next, or you can also simply click the tick mark on the timeline you want to edit instead of moving one to the left or right at a time


The speed dropdown will allow you to adjust the lead in speed to leave as naturally recorded, slow it down, speed it up, or skip it all together. The lead in speed is the speed of the interaction leading up to the tick you have selected as shown below

ReachSuite edit speed button

This can be extremely helpful when there are long load screen during the tour that you’d rather the viewer not experience or also allows you to skip over a step if you added in an extra click by accident or no longer need a click you thought you did


The actions drop down will allow you to pick how the viewer will experience that interaction:

  • Skip: will automatically make that click for the viewer so they don’t have to. This can be used for closing down windows or also helping remove extra clicks you no longer need
  • Click: will require the viewer to click on the pre-anchored target area to move forward into the next step, this is what makes the tour feel and your product feel real to the viewer because they will see what happens when the button is actually clicked in the product
  • Callout: will also require the viewer to click the pre-anchored target area to move forward into the next step but gives you the ability to add in additional text along with the click
  • Full screen: will open up a full screen message for the viewer. These are used traditionally for the opening message welcoming the viewer to the experience, at the end with a CTA that redirects to a booking link, or in the middle of the tour if you are trying to show a sample of an email your application may automatically send or some integration inside of another application


Allows you to select if you want the viewer to click on a circle target, a rectangle that you can resize and shape, or if you are using a callout for more informative purpose that isn’t action oriented, they can select a next arrow so in order to continue the viewer would need to click a next arrow in the callout instead of a target area

It is also important to note that the circle targets can be clicked and dragged to be moved



You can click the save button when it is purple to force a save function. ReachSuite will auto-save every time you move from one tick to the next. If you try to change the URL or navigate from the page without saving a change Chrome will notify that you have unsaved changes


Text Editor

When you select a full screen or callout action in the editor you will see a text editor modal that looks like this:

ReachSuite text editor


As you can see from above, this is where you can add text to instruct the buyer on what to do next or what to look at in your tour. This text can be formatted and inserted into a table if required. You can do that with the three options above the text box:

ReachSuite editing options


The insert option also gives you the ability to add many other components but in particular you can add a Media file to enrich the Experience with more engaging content than text:


ReachSuite add media


From here you can upload a file by clicking the upload icon and uploading a file from your computer then setting the width and height dimensions. Alternatively, you can also use embed code or in “Advanced” you can pull media directly from URLs hosted elsewhere

There are also some quick standard text editing features available just below those three options:

ReachSuite formatting options


On the full screen modals you will see a button at the bottom of the text editor you can change the text in the button to change what the CTA will say for that full screen modal. When the CTA is clicked it will close the full screen message down and move to the next step in the tour

ReachSuite full screen text window


The exception to that CTA rule is the full screen modal that appears at the end of the tour:

ReachSutie end screen


The final full screen text editor has an additional box below the button, this is where you would enter a redirect link. Most people will use this to direct viewers to a book demo page or a routing calendar link. Be sure to include https:// as the lead up to this URL or you will be redirected to the ReachSuite homepage. We always want to ensure viewers are being directed to secure links.

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