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You can use our Chrome plugin to capture screens & edit them instantly.


There are different methods in triggering Consensus Screen Capture.

1) Tours Builder itself

Tours Builder

2) Consensus Capture Chrome extension 

Consensus Capture Chrome extension

To get started Download Consensus Capture here. Then, log in and follow these quick steps during your initial login.

Login Details
Getting Started

You will have the option to "Save to Tour" or "Save to Desktop".

Please keep in mind that you can save directly to an existing Tour only if your account has a full subscription to Tours.

Sav to Tour or Save to Desktop

If you select "Save to Tour", you will need to select the Demo that particular Tour is created in. Alternatively, users have the option to capture screens by saving them to their local machine or desktop.

Save to Tour or Save to Desktop

After selecting your desired screen, simply click the "Open" button to activate the Tours Builder.

“Open” button

Inside the Chrome extension, you'll find a "Settings" toggle where you can customize the following option:

  • The "Copy Pages to Desktop" setting is initially set to ON by default.
Copy Pages to Desktop is ON by Default
  • Name Your Screens
  • Page Dimensions
    •    For the best results use 1440 x 1024 for page dimension.
      For the best results use 1440 x 1024 for page dimension.


  • Capture Sound Effects

You can edit the text input or swap images within the HTML screens. 

Notes: For text edit, the following can be edited: 

e'p', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'a', 'button', 'strong', 'i', 'span', 'img']

To swap images, they need to be within an image element. If you're using a picture or SVG, this functionality won't work.

Text Edit

Editable areas will be highlighted in orange, so be sure to switch ON the Page Edit Mode toggle.

Page Edit Mode toggle ON

After editing the text, you have the option to either revert back to the original text or capture the screen with the updated text.

Capture the screen with the updated text or revert back to the original

For further details on our full subscription, kindly reach out to for additional information.

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