Consensus has some webhooks available for configuration this article explains their use and what triggers them as well as how to configure them
Configuring Webhooks
1. Go to the Consensus platform and click on the Integrations in the lower-right hand corner, then Go to the "Webhooks" tab to configure webhook destinations. Click on "Add Webhook"

3. Fill out the URL destination for your webhook, this is the URL that the webhook payload will be sent to.

You can then chose whether you want the payload to be sent in JSON or in XML
and chose the events you want to be sent. A description and example of each event is below.
Webhook payloads and descriptions
Demo Watched
The demo watched webhook is triggered specifically when a DemoBoard that is sent to recipients is watched. Similar to the notification that is sent via email. This webhook also will trigger when an invite is sent on to another recipent.
{"headers": {"host": "{configured webhook endpoint}","x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-6046bbb6-5e398377412433c17e1b70a9","content-length": "597","user-agent": "GuzzleHttp/6.5.5 curl/7.61.1 PHP/7.2.12","content-type": "application/json"},"body": {"webhook_type": "demo_watched","demo": {"uuid": "1c5wg42q-9ac4-1r2c-318f-3c1ddd85490e","title": "Demo Title","ids": i]},"recipient": {"email": "","first_name": "Recipient","last_name": "Last","title": "Recipient Title","organization": "Recipient Organization"},"sender": {"email": "","first_name": "Sender","last_name": "Last"},"message": {"subject": "Here's the personalized product demo I promised you.","body": "Hi Recipient,\\n\\nHere's the personalized product demo I mentioned in our conversation.","date_sent": "2014-01-01 08:00:00"},"date_watched": "2014-01-01 08:10:00"},"inferred_body_type": "JSON","method": "POST","url": "{configured webhook url}","client_ip": "{ip of the sending server, a consensus server}","query": {}}
New Lead
This webhook triggers when someone fills out the lead form on a demo. It includes the information that was filled out in the lead form. It also includes the features that were indicated and their importance.
{"headers": {"host": "{configured webhook endpoint}","x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-6046bca7-5096777f108abac93577c625","content-length": "1027","user-agent": "GuzzleHttp/6.5.5 curl/7.61.1 PHP/7.2.12","content-type": "application/json"},"body": {"firstName": "New","lastName": "Lead","email": "","confirmEmail": "","phoneNumber": "+18011234567","organization": "Organization Name","title": "My Title","country": "AF","state": "WAR","comments": "My comments about the demo","demo": {"uuid": "1c5wg42q-9ac4-1r2c-318f-3c1ddd85490e","title": "Demo Title","ids": i]},"uuid": "f12a32d7-345d-4b12-8a7d-3212ee864ec7","features": {"very_important": a"Very Important Feature 1","Very Important Feature 2"],"somewhat_important": a"Somewhat Important Feature 1","Somewhat Important Feature 2"],"not_important": a"Not Important Feature 1","Not Important Feature 2"]},"5d934121a24cf4": "random","control_key": "c1e95872dca1fd846vsd1v4964f1551","utm_params": {"utm_campaign": "blogpost","utm_medium": "social","utm_source": "facebook","utm_content": "welcome","utm_term": "weekly"},"session": {"v": "4984d8ff-1986-d124-cda2-12c237ff12","u": "8b412frv-881b-41a2-99bf-e4ab6a7dad98","i": "MTkyLjEwMC4yLjUz==","eu": 0,"nostat": 0},"date": "2021-03-09 00:09:11","webhook_type": "new_lead"},"inferred_body_type": "JSON","method": "POST","url": "{configured webhook url}","client_ip": "{ip of the sending server, a consensus server}","query": {}}
Demo UTM
This Webhook triggers anytime someone watches a demo. It will only give the demo and the UTM parameters that were fed in via the URL. It will also trigger on any demo watched, so it's not recommended to use unless UTM is always used for attribution.
{"headers": {"host": "{configured webhook endpoint}","x-amzn-trace-id": "Root=1-6046bcd3-5764b56b3aec85662eb4427e","content-length": "298","user-agent": "GuzzleHttp/6.5.5 curl/7.61.1 PHP/7.2.12","content-type": "application/json"},"body": {"webhook_type": "demo_utm","demo": {"uuid": "1c5wg42q-9ac4-1r2c-318f-3c1ddd85490e","title": "Demo Title","ids": i]},"utm_params": {"utm_campaign": "blogpost","utm_medium": "social","utm_source": "facebook","utm_content": "welcome","utm_term": "weekly"},"date": "2021-03-09 00:09:55","5d934121a24cf4": "random"},"inferred_body_type": "JSON","method": "POST","url": "{configured webhook url","client_ip": "{ip of the sending server, a consensus server}","query": {}}